How to get collector title in BGMI

The collector title in BGMI is not an Easy title to Get. To get a collector title in BGMI, you have to spend a lot of money, or if you play Battlegrounds Mobile India for a long time, you can get this title quickly on achievement. Still, if you are new and want to achieve this Collector title, you have to spend a lot of UC to Earn this title.

 How to get collector title in BGMI

If you want to get a Collector title on Battlegrounds Mobile India, then you have to fulfill the basic requirements to achieve this Collector title.

  • Three hundred own permanent outfit skins.
  • Collect 20 permanent parachutes.
  • 50 permanent weapon skins.

So if you meet the above requirements, you will need to spend more UC or time to achieve this degree. However, if you want to learn more about completing this degree faster, you can get more help by tips and tricks below.

Easy way to Get Collector title in BGMI


BGMI Collector title is a title that the winner will get only when you have collected special items in Bgmi like Weapon MasterUnique destinyOver Achiever, etc. By ordering these Special items, you have a high chance of getting a collector title in Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Tricks to get collector title in BGMI | BGMI me Collector Title Kaise le

Here is a simple process for getting a Collector title on Battleground Mobile India. Follow the Steps-by-steps to get this title on your BGMI account.


Now, how can we find the Collector title:- 

  1. First, Go to your missions.
  2. Click Achievements
  3. Head over to the Glorious Moments.
  4. Go to the 1st Option (shaped like Crown).
  5. Now, Search Collector

You will find all the achievements called Collector title.

But, to get this title, you have to complete the following achievements/title.

  1. Own 300 Permanent Outfits 

To achieve collector title, you need to have at least 300 permanent outfits in your BGMI inventory. You can also collect the Battlegrounds Mobile India outfits by opening crates or redeeming the BGMI outfits in the shop section.

  1. Own 20 Parachute skins

You can collect at least 20 Parachute skins in the shop inventory/section by redeeming them.

  1. Own 50 Permanent weapon finishes 

You must have completed/finished 50 Permanent weapons to get the collector skins. For this weapon to finish achievements, you can open crates or by spinning the BGMI events. There are few weapons achievements to redeem finished titles in the shop. (e.g.:- Golden skin for ScarL and Shotgun).

You can obtain the title COLLECTOR in Battlegrounds Mobile India by completing all the above steps. Ensure you have completed all the achievements and follow all the steps to achieve this title.